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Don't see your PMS? Send an email to our team!

Our integration with Guesty offers hyper-personalized automations thanks to their robust API.

Trusted by 100+ property managers around the world.

Frequently Asked

What if I don't have a PMS?

At the moment Besty only operates by integrating directly with Property Management Systems, if you aren't on one we wont be able to integrate with you.

What if I don't see my PMS on here?

t usually takes us 4-6 weeks to complete a new one. Reach out to sam@getbesty.ai if you'd like to prioritize getting your PMS integrated with Besty.

How long does the integration take between Besty and my PMS?

To integrate Besty with your PMS, it typically takes about 2 minutes to sign up. After that we sync all your listings which typically takes under an hour or two depending on portfolio size.  

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